Program finalised and race marshaling

The 2009 racing calendar has been finalised and I’ve started to put it on the web in the usual place. I will finish this job in the next few days, but currently all races until the end of April have been added.

This weekend (28 February) we are racing on Dangarsleigh at 4pm for a 30km handicap.


The person on duty each weekend is to act as the race marshal. This means that you do not ride, and applies both on the road and at the track.

Responsibilities of the marshal include:

  • Confirm the format of the race and the handicap with the handicapper Mark Bullen.
  • Put out the signs (road).
  • Arrange the sign-on, including collecting money and checking licenses (only for riders not on the sign on sheet, visitors for example).
  • Start the race, time it where necessary, and record the results.
  • Be on hand with the first aid kit.
  • Take down the signs at the end of the race (when the last rider is home).

This might sound like a lot, but it’s really no more than we already do.

Andrew Swan