There was a good turn out at the AGM held on wednesday the 7th, with nearly enough attendees to fill all office bearer positions. Your committee for 2010 is pretty much the same as it was last year, with:
- President: Andrew Swan
- Vice Presidents: Rob Tindale and Ray Phillips
- Secretary: Bob Murison
- Treasurer: Ken McDonald
- Publicity officer: Chikka Russell
- Handicapper: Mark Bullen
The President’s report can be downloaded here.
The Treasurer’s report showed that we are traveling well financially, and although we have slightly less money in our accounts compared to the beginning of the year, this was due to the purchase of the shipping container now located at the track. The Autumn Festival Criterium was a great success financially and we used the surplus generated to subsidise the Mt Yarrowyck Road Race and in part the container.
Following the AGM there was a committee meeting, with the following decisions of note for next year’s program:
- The date for the Autumn Festival Criterium has been set as Sunday 21 March by the Council’s Autumn Festival Committee. This year the event will be part of the McDonald’s Northern Region Criterium Series as previously announced.
- The Mt Yarrowyck Road Race will take place on Sunday 2 May with two handicap races of 60 and 30km. The shorter distance is to allow under 17’s to race in the main event.
- A second event on the Mt Yarrowyck course is proposed for mid August. This will again be a handicap but will include a 100km race.
- The Club Championships will revert to a three race format (road race, time trial, plus criterium) and will be held over a single weekend (two events Saturday and one on Sunday).