Pat McMillan competes in the Urban Hotel Group Australian Ironman down in Port Macquarie, Sam “The Jennerator” Jenner takes on the “Battle on the Border”
Pat McMillan (who spends so much time in the water we really should call him “Bob”) had a red hot go at the monstrous Urban Hotel Group Australian Ironman (or UHGAI for short). With a total time of 11:38:13 his efforts boggle the mind. I struggle to stay awake for 12 hours a day but Pat can go swim 4km, ride 180km and run 42km and remain standing. I’m sure if I even attempted it the only words you would hear out of me would be “UHGAI” while clutching my chest.
Full results from here:
(yes, it says 2011 but really it’s 2012).
Sam “the Jennerator” Jenner managed a 6th overall in the U17 division at the “Battle On The Border”, with an impressive 4th overall in the King of the Mountains. He was 4th in the first round, 6th in the second, 13th in the third and 6th in the fourth.