The Cannibal takes first in a novel training ride / sorta race on the 16th. No full results for that because it was hard to tell who was racing and who was training. Roger Munday crossed the line in second with Rob Tindale in third.
Saturday the 23rd: A Long Swamp handicap was won with a decisive attack on the last hill by Holly Harris from super domestique Mark “Haydo” Haydon, with Sam Jenner in third place.
A chilly wind was the only impediment to a gloriously sunny afternoon at the swamp, with a pretty decent turnout of riders. Dave “Ralph” Rubie and Jack Parker headed off on go, although Jack (who has been crook and not riding much) bailed around the 4km mark. Ralph time trialled until the second go on Imbota forest hill where he was overtaken by the 9m30 group who had collected the stronger riders from earlier groups into a fast moving bunch. Despite being hotly pursued by scratch, they were never caught. Haydo urged Holly to attack as they approached the recycling centre and she did with gusto, taking a well deserved win despite wearing mud encrusted jersey from that other club.
It appears Andrew “Swanny” Swan has placed in the Keegan Downs memorial race too, but we’ll wait for conformation on that.