Team Time Trial, Christmas Party, and more…

Time to dust off the time trial bike, get out the disk wheels, and strap on the aero helmet! We have decided for something different that the last road race of the year (Saturday 8 December on Dangarsleigh) will be a 30km Team Time Trial. Teams can be anywhere from 2 to 5 people, and there will be prizes for winner on actual time, winner on handicap time (based on a complicated formula to be determined on the day), and most stylish team (uniformity of kit, sock height, synchronisation of crank arms etc).

The Christmas Party and presentation night for both seniors and juniors will be held the following weekend on Sunday 16 December, starting 5pm at the Bowling Club. Finger food provided by the club, buy your own drinks. All welcome so please come along give recognition to some excellent performances by our riders throughout the year.

In other news:

  • From this weekend (8 December) juniors will be starting at 3pm
  • The final race of the year will be a criterium on Saturday 15 December
  • The Patty Garrett fund raising mountain bike ride from Armidale to Guyra is to be held on Saturday 22 December
  • Racing for both juniors and seniors in 2013 will start on Saturday12 January at the track. Please ensure that you have renewed your license before then
  • For those in town over the Christmas holidays, stay tuned to the web site for news of rides