Blanchy arrives on time

You might think that not much happened on the racing front over Easter, but you’d be wrong! In fact Saturday’s races were so busy I’m going to take the soft option of reporting in point form:

  • Juniors were back in action with Lachie Harris recording a very sharp time of 2:11 for his one lap time trial, with Lachie Fittler not far behind with 2:16, and Ryan Harris 2:51. (Given Lachie McPhie’s effort in the road race last week a few people are probably thinking they’ll go faster with a change of name to “Lachie”).
  • Ryan Harris then won a 4/5 lap handicap with Lachie H second and Lachie F third.
  • The third leg was a wheel race, taken out in fine style by Lachie Fittler.
  • Three sprints failed to separate the boys with each winning one race apiece.
  • An Italian pursuit was taken out by a team made up of Lachie Fittler, Sam Munday, and Peter Creagan from Ryan Harris, Lachie Harris and Andrew Swan (when asked “who won” by the last rider, Ryan produced the quote of the day with his reply “you lost!”)
  • That set things up nicely for the seniors, although there were a few grumbles when Wilfried announced we all had do a one lap time trial.
  • Blanchy actually arrived before the start of the race this week, and this allowed him to set a scorching time of 1:42.
  • Other impressive rides included Rob Hale (1:45), Dene Bourke (1:46), and Sam Munday (1:57).
  • The final race for the day was a handicap crit of 35min+2laps. Blanchy and Andrew Swan started off scratch half a lap behind the main group. The leaders set a cracking pace gradually shelling out riders until a group of four established, including Dene Bourke, Rob Hale, Britt Sisson and Rob Tindale. Working well together they made it very hard for the scratch riders. In an exciting finish, the catch was finally made at the bottom of the straight going into the last lap following a monster effort by Blanchy. Unfortunately for them they had nothing left for the final sprint which was won by Dene Bourke from Rob Tindale. Good performances also by Lachie Harris backing up from the Juniors, and Sam Munday who rode well in partnership with Peter Creagan.

So a good days racing by all those in attendance.

On a final note for those concerned about the condition of the track, we were able to place some cones on the corner of the second S-bend, which took out the main danger spot.