Grafton race updates

Over the fold for an update on the team time trial at Grafton and some changes to the overall race schedule:

dear riders and supporters

(please forward to your club members- apologies for cross postings)

it has been a hectic month but finally we are about to receive approval for our Team time Trial – The Mauri Kautto Memorial. once again teams can expect a great race with loads of prizes and great competition on Sunday the 9th of June
however due to the considerable extra resources that the club needs to put into running the race this year to satisfy the risk management plan we have no energy left  to run the proposed handicap race on Monday the 10th. we will introduce that one next year.
on line registration will go live this week so get your tribars on and your team together
we look forward to seeing you here
more details on the club website this week

Sign On:See Park, Turf st Street,  Grafton 7:30am – 8:15am.

Event Start Time: 8.30am

Men: Team of 5 riders – Elite Men, Mens Masters and                     Mixed Men and Womens Teams. Race Distance: 100 kms

Women: Teams of 4. Race Distance: 68 kms

Prize Money: Up to $1,000 per category more than $2,500 total prize pool.

Current Record: 2hr:09min:02sec (Set by Budget Forklifts – 2012)

Any team that beats the current record will win the prize jackpot of $1,000 for 2013.

Riders must hold a current Silver Ride Licence or a Gold Race Licence.  No Day Licences.