Classified Ads

After lots of requests, we’ve finally got somewhere for you to advertise cycling-related things for sale – bikes, wheels, spares etc.  If you jump over to our For Sale page, you can browse what’s up there (not much at the moment), but more importantly you can add your own stuff.  It’s pretty easy, you just put in your contact details, details of the item, upload up to 4 photos (not more than 1MB in total), answer a simple maths question and that’s it!

You’ll get a confirmation email with a link and a secret key to help you mange the ad online yourself if you need to change details or withdraw it etc. So hopefully you can now get rid of perhaps some of those 16 sets of old wheels hanging up in your garage PC, and Kirky you might even be able to pick up a battery charger for your di2?

Note: the Place Ad buttons don’t work very well on mobile phones and tablets so if you need to place an ad, use a regular computer browser like Chrome, Firefox, IE etc