Club Rides are On

With the arrival of daylight savings and some much warmer weather, you now have the perfect excuse for sneaking out of work a little earlier on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon to join the ACC club rides. On Tuesday we head out West on Boorolong Road leaving at 5:30pm and on Thursday we go South on Dangarsleigh Road, also at 5:30pm sharp. Both rides are a mix of social and training rides and no one gets left behind. In addition to this, don’t miss our Sunday morning rides which leave Armidale Bicycle Centre on Beardy St at 7:00am.

And now that we’ve moved into daylight savings time, don’t forget that Saturday racing for Juniors at the TEC starts at 2:30pm and Senior Racing starts at 4:00pm (see Calendar for details)

You can find all the details here along with links for newer riders to information about cycling etiquette and bunch riding.  And of course it’s now a great time to purchase that Cycling Australia licence which covers you until December 31st 2015 if you join now.