Road Racer 2016

Pts/Race is the average number of points achieved for that rider each time they race
Last 5 Rounds shows the place achieved by the rider in the last 5 races.  If the rider did not race then their place will be shown as DNS (Did Not Start)
Where two or more riders have the same points, the higher rank is given to the rider with the highest points per race figure. Where this figure is the same, the rider with the best finishing place is used. Failing all that the rider alphabetical surname sequence is used (yes, that could probably be a bit more scientific)!
Details of the Armidale Cycling Club approach to race handicapping are available here.

Points are awarded as follows

1st Place 10 points
2nd Place 9 points
3rd Place 8 points
4th Place 7 points
5th Place 6 points
Turning up and racing but not placed 1st to 5th, 3 points
Signs duty and running the race, 4 points

2014 Road Racer League Final Position
2015 Road Racer League Final Position